
4 Views · 7 months ago

Learn how big cloud providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud operate from a business perspective. Explore strategies for optimizing cloud computing costs and avoiding vendor lock-in.

#programming #computerscience #thecodereport

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🔗 Resources

Egress Breakdown https://getdeploying.com/reference/data-egress
GCP removing egress fees https://cloud.google.com/blog/....products/networking/
Basecamp cloud exit https://basecamp.com/cloud-exit

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🔖 Topics Covered

- AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud
- How to reduce cloud costs
- Is cloud better than dedicated server?
- Big cloud business models
- How to avoid vendor lock-in in tech

3 Views · 7 months ago

Google just released highly-anticipated LLM Gemini Ultra, along with it's ChatGPT competitor Gemini Advanced. Let's take a first look at Gemini and compare its performance to other popular AI models.

#ai #programming #thecodereport

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🔗 Resources

Gemini Launch https://blog.google/technology..../ai/google-gemini-up
Gemini original announcement https://youtu.be/q5qAVmXSecQ
Gemini Controversial Demo https://youtu.be/90CYYfl9ntM

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🔖 Topics Covered

- Gemini Ultra vs GPT-4
- How to use Google Gemini Advanced for free
- Best AI coding tools
- How to use AI tools for programming
- Best models for generating AI images